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Why Give to the Church?

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Why Give to the Church? Biblical Reasons, Personal Benefits

As Christians, we are called to be generous givers who support the work of the church. But why exactly does the Bible instruct us to give to the church? And what's in it for us as givers? Let's dive into the biblical foundations and personal benefits of faithful giving, and explore how church management software like SeekerWorks can facilitate this important practice.

Biblical Commands to Give

From the very beginning, the concept of giving back to God a portion of our income and possessions is woven throughout Scripture:

  1. The Tithe - One of the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament was to "remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy" (Exodus 20:8), which included bringing tithes and offerings to the Lord (Deuteronomy 14:22-29). As you may know, tithe literally means a "tenth part."

  2. Supporting God's Work - The Bible likens the church to a body where each member plays an important role through their spiritual gifts and service (1 Corinthians 12:12-27). Our financial giving enables our church to carry out its mission and ministries.

  3. An Act of Worship - Jesus commanded his followers to partake of communion/the Lord's Supper in remembrance of his sacrifice (1 Corinthians 11:23-26). The church uses tithes and offerings to provide the bread and cup.

  4. Caring for Others - In Acts 4:32-35, the early church pooled their resources together so that no one was in need. Our giving allows churches today to support the poor, widows, orphans, and others.

  5. Expressing Gratitude - Giving is an expression of gratitude, acknowledging that all we have comes from God as the giver of all good gifts (James 1:17). Examples like Abraham's tithe to Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18-20) set this precedent.

While the specific requirement of tithing 10% is debated, the principle of generously and cheerfully giving a portion of our income to support God's work through the local church is clearly taught throughout the Bible.

Benefits to the Giver

But why give? What's in it for us? The Bible highlights several profound benefits that come from faithful giving:

  1. Obedience and Faith - Giving is an act of obedience to God's commands in Scripture. It requires faith, as we trust God to be our provider rather than wealth or possessions (Matthew 6:24).

  2. Spiritual Growth - The attitude of a giver is transformed to become more Christ-like - selfless, trusting, generous, and oriented towards eternity rather than earthly riches (2 Corinthians 9:6-8).

  3. Eternal Investment - Jesus taught that we cannot serve both God and money (Matthew 6:24). Giving helps loosen the grip that money has on our hearts and directs our affections toward treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:19-21).

  4. Blessing to Others - Our giving quite literally allows churches, ministries, and missionaries to share the gospel and care for physical and spiritual needs (Philippians 4:15-19). We get to participate in God's work!

  5. Personal Blessing - While we shouldn't give to get, the Bible makes clear that generous giving yields personal blessing and provision from the Lord (Malachi 3:10, Luke 6:38).

As the Apostle Paul said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35). When we give with the right heart attitude, we get to experience the incomparable joy and spiritual benefits that come from generous giving.

How SeekerWorks Facilitates Giving

Of course, putting biblical principles into practice requires practical tools and solutions. This is where comprehensive church management software like SeekerWorks can play a pivotal role in facilitating and encouraging faithful giving for your church attendees.

  1. Online Giving Portal - A key feature of SeekerWorks is an online giving portal that allows your members to donate or schedule recurring gifts via credit/debit card or ACH bank transfer. This provides the convenience of giving anytime, anywhere - whether a member is present on Sundays or not.

  2. Multi-Currency and Fund Tracking - The software allows you to record gifts and pledges in multiple currencies and designate them to specific funds, campaigns, or projects your church is raising money for. This ensures donations are accurately allocated.

  3. Automated Recurring Giving - Members can set up recurring payments on a frequency of their choosing - weekly, monthly, etc. The donations are automatically processed, providing a steady, predictable stream of revenue.

  4. Accurate Record-Keeping - All donations, pledges, and payments are tracked in a centralized database for each donor/giving unit. This seamless integration makes it easy to generate financial reports, giving statements, and tax receipts.

  5. Increased Engagement - By offering online giving through an app or web portal, your church demonstrates a modern, tech-savvy experience. This can lead to higher engagement, particularly among younger members.

  6. Secure Transactions - Reputable online giving platforms like SeekerWorks use robust security like encryption and tokenization to protect sensitive financial data and payment information, ensuring PCI-DSS compliance and safeguarding donors.

While tithing is a spiritual discipline, the practical realities of how people make donations cannot be ignored in today's digital age. Church management software that facilitates online giving provides a convenient solution that eliminates barriers and helps your members become consistent givers.

How SeekerWorks Helps Churches Manage Finances

In addition to its online giving capabilities, SeekerWorks offers several features to help churches effectively manage their finances:

  1. Centralized Financial Reporting - Again, all donations, pledges, and payments are tracked in a centralized database, making it easy to generate detailed financial reports, giving statements, tax receipts, and more. This provides transparency and accountability.

  2. Fund Accounting - Contributions can be designated to specific funds, campaigns, or projects, ensuring accurate allocation and tracking of donations for various purposes.

  3. Secure Data Management - SeekerWorks employs robust security measures like encryption and access controls to protect sensitive financial data, donor information, and other confidential records.

  4. Budgeting and Forecasting - SeekerWorks allows churches to create and manage budgets, track expenses against budgeted amounts, and forecast future financial needs based on historical data and trends.

  5. Payroll and HR Management - The software can handle payroll processing, tax calculations, and other HR functions, streamlining administrative tasks related to staff and personnel.

By integrating online giving with comprehensive fund accounting, budgeting, payroll, and reporting capabilities, SeekerWorks empowers churches to streamline their financial management processes. This level of organization and security can increase donor confidence and lead to more consistent, engaged giving from the congregation.


By understanding the biblical reasons for generosity and the profound personal benefits it provides, your church members will be inspired to faithfully support the work of the church through tithing and offerings. And with the right tools like SeekerWorks' online giving and financial management capabilities, putting that inspiration into practice becomes seamless.

Giving is not just a financial transaction; it's an act of worship, obedience, and service to God. When we give with the right heart attitude, we get to experience the incomparable joy and spiritual benefits that come from generous giving, while also enabling the church to fulfill its mission and ministries.

So let's embrace the biblical principles of giving, and leverage the power of technology to make it a convenient and rewarding experience for all.

Normand Latour
This is a picture of the author
Author's Biography:

Normand lives in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and has worked with SeekerWorks Inc. for a while, helping with marketing content and French translations for SeekerWorks.NET.  He enjoys cooking, and learning techy things.